Who's Who?

Kim DeMaio

Kimmy is Alicia’s “roomie” from Notre Dame. After all the other girls discovered what it was like to live with Kim and Alicia, they all about went their separate ways (except for KK’s!) and let us “fend for ourselves.” Kim and Alicia shared a lot of laughs at stuff that most people don’t really think is all that funny, late nights out and “performances” walking from bar to bar, mutual encouragement to skip class on a weekly basis (or two weeks straight if the Olympics were on!!), and an undying commitment to NEVER lock the doors at their apartment – even if it meant rearranged furniture or Santa Claus invaders!

Kim and Alicia’s friendship was sealed for life when Kim convinced Alicia to live “down the shore” for a summer in between Jr. and Sr. year of college. With no phone, no car, no friends, and no food, Alicia and Kim survived by working at Goofy Golf and Kohr Brothers on the Ocean City board walk…they knew they would be friends forever when they still liked each other at the end of that summer!!!

After Notre Dame, Kimmy moved back to New Jersey/New York after college, and has been working on Wall Street and "livin it up" ever since. Although Alicia and Kim live thousands of miles away from one another, they have remained close friends throughout!