Who's Who?

Amina Ray

Amina and Alicia met at Notre Dame’s Howard Hall on the first day of college when they moved their things into neighboring dorm rooms on the 2nd floor. Alicia quickly became the scapegoat for Amina’s love for Natty Light and tailgating through the football games. While at Notre Dame, Amina and Alicia shared many different experiences such as tailgating with the Panamanics and being busted by Deano with the monocular, taking “Danta’s Inferno” together, and eventually deciding to sign up to study in Rome, Italy together. During Junior year, Amina and Alicia gallivanted around Italy and Europe, ate lots of pasta, drank a lot of bierre du dessert, taught bar hoppers some irdu, and explored the alleys of Barcelona on Alicia’s 21st birthday.

After going to law school in Ohio, Amina moved to Chicago just in time for Alicia to move to Denver. Although they still haven’t lived in the same place since South Bend, they have remained very close. Amina and her new husband, Mike Ray, live in Chicago where they are both lawyers and avid gluten free eaters.